Dynamical models

Aaron Meyer


  • Administrative Issues
  • Review ODE models
    • Some common constructions
  • Classic analysis:
    • Stability analysis
    • Pseudo-steady-state
  • Implementation:
    • Numerical integration
    • Stiff systems
    • Matrix exponentials

Slides partly adapted from those by Bruce Tidor.

Ordinary Differential Equations

  • ODE models are typically most useful when we already have an idea of the system components
    • As opposed to data-driven approaches when we don’t know how to connect the data
    • Incredibly powerful for making specific predictions about how a system works
  • Limits of these approaches:
    • Results can be extremely sensitive to missing components or model errors
    • Can quickly explode in complexity
    • May rely on variables that are impossible to measure

Applications of ODE models: Molecular kinetics

Remember BE100!

Let’s say we have to ligands that dimerize, then this dimer binds to a receptor as one unit:

\[ L_f + L_f \leftrightarrow L_D \]

\[ L_D + R_f \leftrightarrow R_b \]

If we want to know about how these species interact, we can model their behavior with the rate equations that describe this process.

Applications of ODE models: Pharmacokinetics

Applications of ODE models: Pharmacokinetics

  • Central compartment corresponds to the plasma in the body.
    • \(V_1\) is the distribution volume of plasma in the body.
    • \(C_1\) is the concentration of drug in the plasma.
  • Peripheral compartment represents a group of organs that significantly take up the particular drug.
    • \(V_2\) is the volume of these group of organs.
    • \(C_2\) is the concentration of drug in the group of organs.

Applications of ODE models: Pharmacokinetics

  • \(k_e\) is the rate constant for clearance.
    • \(k_e C_1 V_1\) is the mass of drug/time that’s cleared.
  • \(k_1\) is the rate constant for mass transfer from the central to peripheral compartment.
    • \(k_1 C_1 V_1\) is the mass of drug/time that transfers from the central to peripheral compartment.
  • \(k_2\) is the rate constant for mass transfer from the peripheral to central compartment.
    • \(k_2 C_2 V_2\) is the mass of drug/time that transfers from the peripheral to the central compartment.

Applications of ODE models: Pharmacokinetics

  • Have a bolus i.v. injection
    • No drug in both compartments for t<0
    • D μg of drug administered at once at t=0
    • Drug distribution occurs instantaneously in the central compartment.
      • Also get well-mixed instantaneously.
      • Concentration in central compartment at \(t=0\) is D μg/mL
  • No chemical reactions in the compartment

Applications of ODE models: Population kinetics

Lotka-Volterra Equations

Note about difference from other models we’ve covered

  • ODE models can be part of inference techniques just as elsewhere
    • If we have a symbolic integral, then fitting an ODE model to data is just non-linear least squares
  • But we often don’t have a symbolic expression of the answer
    • Have to simulate the model every time
    • Can only focus on the input-output we get from the black box
  • In this respect, what we do with ODE models will be very similar to what you could do with any computational simulation

Analytic vs Numerical Modeling

  • Analytic
    • Wider range of parameters
    • Avoid numerical problems
    • Physical intuition more direct
    • Often must simplify model
  • Numerical
    • Can handle complex models
    • Dependence on parameters & initial conditions
    • Physical insight may be difficult to extract
    • Convergence, numerical stability

Reality often requires handling in between:

  • Use analytic treatment to study entire parameter space
  • Use numerical treatment to study interesting regions
  • Use both to handle complex behavior

Stability Analysis

  • Can solve for steady-states of a system \[\frac{\delta F}{\delta t} = 0\]
  • Results of this can be both stable or unstable points
    • With stable points, slope of \(\frac{\delta F}{\delta t}\) is negative
    • In multivariate case, this means eigenvalues of Jacobian are negative
  • Steady-state points aren’t necessarily realistic or feasible!
    • NNLSQ can solve for points
    • Only simulating system ensures they are accessible


  • Linear models are easier to simulate and understand than non-linear
    • Linearity: If \(\mathbf{x}_1\) and \(\mathbf{x}_2\) are both solutions, then \(c_1 \mathbf{x}_1 + c_2 \mathbf{x}_2\) is also a solution
  • Linear systems tend to be separable (effective decoupling)
  • Non-linear systems exhibit interesting properties

Linearity & Separability

Phase Portraits

Non-linear systems

  • No general analytic approach to finding trajectory
  • So, goal is to understand qualitative trajectory behavior

Features in Phase Portraits

Solving a Set of Equations for Phase Portrait

  • Numerical computation
    • i.e., Runge-Kutta integration
  • Qualitative
    • Sufficient for some purposes
  • Analytic
    • Elegant, though not always tractable

Example – fixed points

Example – stability

Step 2: Determine stability of fixed points

  • If the systems moves slightly away from each fixed point, will it return or will it move further away?
  • Another way to ask the same question is to ask whether, as time approaches infinity, does the system tend toward or away from a given stable point.
  • Note \(y\) solution must be of form:
    • \(y = y_0 e^{-t}\) (because \(\dot{y} = \frac{dy}{dt} = -y\))
    • So \(y \rightarrow 0\) for \(t \rightarrow \infty\)
  • Thus, \(\dot{x} = x + e^{-y}\) becomes \(\dot{x} \rightarrow x + 1\) for long times
    • This has exponentially growing solutions
    • Toward \(\infty\) for \(x > -1\) and \(-\infty\) for \(x < -1\)

Thus, overall solution grows exponentially in at least one dimension, and so is unstable.

Example – nullclines

Step 3: Sketch nullclines

Nullclines are the sets of points for which \(\dot{x} = 0\) or \(\dot{y} = 0\), so flow is either horizontal or vertical.

Example – computed

Step 4: Plot flow lines

Existence & Uniqueness

Non-linear \(\dot{\mathbf{x}} = f(\mathbf{x})\) and given an initial condition.

  • Existence and uniqueness of solution guaranteed if \(f\) is continuously differentiable
  • Corollary: Trajectories do not intersect, because if they did, then there would be two solutions for the same initial condition at the crossing point

Linearization About Fixed Points

Solving Linearized Systems


More Examples

Classification of Fixed Points

Relevance for Nonlinear Dynamics

  • So, we have said that we can find fixed points of nonlinear dynamics, linearize about each fixed point, and characterize the dynamics about each fixed point in the non-linear model by the corresponding linear model.
  • Is this always true? Do the nonlinearities ever disturb this approach?
  • A theorem can be proven which states
    • That all the regions on the previous slide are “robust” (nodes, spirals, saddles) and correspond between linear and nonlinear models.
    • But that all the lines on the previous slide are “delicate” (centers, stars, degenerate nodes, non-isolated fixed points) and can have different behaviors in linear and non-linear models.


  • The phase portraits we have been looking at describe the trajectory of the system for a given set of initial conditions. However, for “fixed” parameters (rate constants in eqns, for instance).
  • What we might like is a series of phase portraits corresponding to different sets of parameters.
  • Many will be qualitatively similar. The interesting ones will be where a small change of parameters creates a qualitative change in the phase portrait (bifurcations).
  • What we will find is that fixed points & closed orbits can be created/destroyed and stabilized/destabilized.

Saddle-Node Bifurcation

Genetic Control Network

Griffith (1971) model of genetic control:

  • x = protein concentration
  • y = mRNA concentration

Genetic Control Network

Biochemical version of a bistable switch:

  1. Only stable points are no protein and mRNA or a fixed composition
  2. If degradation rates too great, only stable point is origin

Implementation - Testing

  • Many properties one can test
    • Mass balance
    • Changes upon parameter adjustment
  • Good to test these before and after integration


SciPy provides two interfaces for ODE solving:


  • Both can solve stiff and non-stiff equations.
  • ode has a number of different methods. Pay attention to the “set_integrator” option.

Implementation - Example

The second order differential equation for the angle \(\theta\) of a pendulum acted on by gravity with friction can be written:

\[\theta''(t) + b*\theta'(t) + c*\sin(\theta(t)) = 0\]

where b and c are positive constants, and a prime (’) denotes a derivative. To solve this equation with odeint, we must first convert it to a system of first order equations. By defining the angular velocity \(\omega(t) = \theta'(t)\), we obtain the system:

\[\theta'(t) = \omega(t)\]

\[\omega'(t) = -b*\omega(t) - c*\sin(\theta(t))\]

Implementation - Example

Let y be the vector \([\theta, \omega]\). We implement this system in python as:

def pend(y, t, b, c):
    theta, omega = y
    dydt = [omega, -b*omega - c*np.sin(theta)]
    return dydt

We assume the constants are \(b = 0.25\) and \(c = 5.0\):

b, c = 0.25, 5.0

Implementation - Example

For initial conditions, we assume the pendulum is nearly vertical with \(\theta(0) = \pi - 0.1\), and it initially at rest, so \(\omega(0) = 0\). Then the vector of initial conditions is

y0 = [np.pi - 0.1, 0.0]

We generate a solution 101 evenly spaced samples in the interval \(0 \leq t \leq 10\). So our array of times is:

t = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)

Implementation - Example

Call odeint to generate the solution. To pass the parameters b and c to pend, we give them to odeint using the args argument.

from scipy.integrate import odeint
sol = odeint(pend, y0, t, args=(b, c))

The solution is an array with shape (101, 2). The first column is \(\theta(t)\), and the second is \(\omega(t)\). The following code plots both components.

Implementation - Example

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(t, sol[:, 0], 'b', label='theta(t)')
plt.plot(t, sol[:, 1], 'g', label='omega(t)')

Implementation - Example

Implementation - Stiff Systems

  • Very roughly, most ODE solvers take steps inversely proportional to the rate at which the state is changing
  • For systems where there are two processes operating on differing timescales, this can be problematic
    • If everything happens really fast, the system will come to equilibrium quickly
    • If everything is slow, you can take longer steps
  • Stiff solvers additionally require the Jacobian matrix
    • This very roughly allows them to keep track of these differences in timescales
  • odeint can automatically find this for you
    • Sometimes it’s faster/better to provide this as parameter Dfun

Implementation - Matrix Exponential

If \(J\) is the Jacobian matrix of an ODE model, \(y(t) = e^{Jt} y_0\).

Matrix exponential is also implemented.

  • scipy.linalg.expm
    • This method is numerically stable, but there are faster implementations elsewhere.
  • A commonly used package is expokit

For linear systems, this can be >1000x faster.

Further Reading