- Administrative Issues
- Gaussian mixtures
- Implementation
Based on slides from David Sontag.
The Evils of “Hard Assignments”?
- Clusters may overlap
- Some clusters may be “wider” than others
- Distances can be deceiving!
Probabilistic Clustering
- Try a probabilistic model!
- Allows overlaps, clusters of different size, etc.
- Can tell a generative story for data
- Challenge: we need to estimate model parameters without labeled Ys
The General GMM assumption
- \(P(Y)\): There are k components
- \(P(X\mid Y)\): Each component generates data from a multivariate Gaussian with mean \(\mu_i\) and covariance matrix \(\Sigma_i\)
Each data point is sampled from a generative process:
- Choose component i with probability \(P(y=i)\)
- Generate datapoint \(N(m_i, \Sigma_i)\)
What Model Should We Use?
- Depends on X.
- If we know which points are in a cluster, then we can define the best distribution for it.
- Multinomial over clusters Y
- (Independent) Gaussian for each \(X_i\) given Y
\[p(Y_i = y_k) = \theta_k\]
\[P(X_i = x \mid Y = y_k) = N(x \mid \mu_{ik}, \sigma_{ik})\]
Could we make fewer assumptions?
- What if the \(X_i\) co-vary?
- What if there are multiple peaks?
- Gaussian Mixture Models!
- \(P(Y)\) still multinormal
- \(P(\mathbf{X}\mid Y)\) is a multivariate Gaussian distribution:
\[P(X = x_j \mid Y = i) = N(x_j, \mu_i, \Sigma_i)\]
Mixtures of Gaussians (2)
Combine simple models into a complex model:
Eliminating Hard Assignments to Clusters
Model data as mixture of multivariate Gaussians
Eliminating Hard Assignments to Clusters
Model data as mixture of multivariate Gaussians
Eliminating Hard Assignments to Clusters
Model data as mixture of multivariate Gaussians
Shown is the posterior probability that a point was generated from \(i\)th Gaussian: \(Pr(Y = i \mid x)\)
ML estimation in supervised setting
\[\mu_{MLE} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N x_i \quad\quad \sigma_{MLE}^2 = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N (x_i -\hat{\mu})^2\]
- Mixture of Multivariate Gaussians
- ML estimate for each of the Multivariate Gaussians is given by:
\[\mu_{ML}^k = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{j=1}^n x_n \quad\quad \Sigma_{ML}^k = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^n \left(\mathbf{x}_j - \mu_{ML}^k\right) \left(\mathbf{x}_j - \mu_{ML}^k\right)^T\]
Just sums over \(x\) generated from the \(k\)’th Gaussian
But what if unobserved data?
- MLE:
- \(\arg\max_\theta \prod_j P(y_i, x_j)\)
- \(\theta\): all model parameters
- eg, class probs, means, and variances
- But we don’t know \(y_j\)’s!
- Maximize marginal likelihood:
- \(\arg\max_\theta \prod_j P(x_j) = \arg\max_\theta \prod_j \sum_{k=1}^K P(Y_j=k, x_j)\)
Learning general mixtures of Gaussians
- Need to differentiate and solve for \(\mu_k\), \(\sum_k\), and P(Y=k) for k=1..K
- There will be no closed form solution, gradient is complex, lots of local optimum
- Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a better way!?!
The EM Algorithm
- A clever method for maximizing marginal likelihood:
- \(\arg\max_{\theta} \prod_j P(x_j) = \arg\max_{\theta} \prod_j \sum_{k=1}^K P(Y_j=k, x_j)\)
- A type of gradient ascent that can be easy to implement
- e.g. no line search, learning rates, etc.
- Alternate between two steps:
- Compute an expectation
- Compute a maximization
- Not magic: still optimizing a non-convex function with lots of local optima
- The computations are just easier (often, significantly so!)
EM: Two Easy Steps
Especially useful when the E and M steps have closed form solutions!!!
What if we do hard assignments?
Iterate: On the t’th iteration let our estimates be \[\lambda_t = [\mu_{1}^{(t)}, \mu_{2}^{(t)}, \ldots \mu_{3}^{(t)}]\]
Equivalent to k-means clustering algorithm!!!
implements GMMs within sklearn
creates the class
indicates the number of Gaussians to use.
is type of covariance
means all components share the same covariance matrix
is EM iterations to use
- Functions
fits using the EM algorithm
is the posterior probability of each component given the data
predict the class labels of each data point